Monday, 27 May 2013

Tera Term with tabs: An Alternate option to secureCRT SSH client

Tera Term has tab option too. What you have to do is check the collector while installing the Tera Term. Run collector at the end of installation or you can start collector from the Start menu.

You can setup the Tera Term the way you like (you can change the default font or even set the font we like) and don't forget to save Menu-->Setup-->Save setup..

Now you can edit C:\Program files\teraterm\teraterm.ini to have title first then host/port (option 5)

; Title format
; format ID: 5(00101) <title> - <host/port> VT/TEK
; format ID: 13(01101) <host/port> - <title> VT/TEK

Right click on collector bar Configuration (D)-->POS (A)-->UP(T) tabs will be shown on top of the Tera Term menu.


  1. Still valuable info 5 years later. Thank you.

  2. Still valuable info 7 years later. Thank you.

  3. Still valuable info 8 years later. Thank you.
    I've been using Teraterm for whole life and have no ideas about this feature until just now...
    Thank you again.

  4. Still valuable info 8 years later. Thank you.
